Sunday, 9 March 2008

Eden is the bestest!

I forgot to mention! Eden made my awesome banner *woeis* Isn't it loffley?


A. Catherine Noon said...

It's really pretty! I love the picture, and the font on your name is really cool. Eden does lovely work!

Fey said...

She be muchly nifty ^*^

Nadir said...

Thanks babe! *glee*

Fey said...

Well you needed to get some credit somehow *petpets* you didn't sign your work or anything...

Jean said...

I agree - it's quite prettiful!

Fey said...

^*^ Thanks Jean *huggles*

Elizabeth said...

Completely and utterly gorgeous!

Mich said...

I love it. It's awesome. Great pick on the pic, and she added just enough to make it original but not too full of itself. *realizes she makes no sense* .... *shuts up*

Loffly - just like Eden, & Fey!
*huggles English roses*


Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

I think your banner is one of the lovliest I've seen. I love the clean lines and the colours.
I liked your archaelogical pics too and the history of the headless roman - a horrific way to treat another human being.